Course Description.
This CPD course is designed to equip fitness instructors with the knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively deliver circuit training focused on improving strength in older adults. Participants will explore the benefits of circuit training, learn a variety of strength-building exercises using resistance bands and hand weights, and understand how to adapt routines to meet the needs of older adults.
Rather than the traditional format of high intensity circuit training the approach is focused on a range of “Activity Stations” offering a variety of exercises that can be adapted to suit your clients including seated exercise.
Instructors can incorporate this style of circuit training into the strength component of their classes or offer an entire class incorporating Activity Stations.
Aims of the Training
- Equip instructors with the knowledge and skills to safely lead engaging and effective strength training and circuit classes for older adults.
- Enhance understanding of the benefits of strength training to prevent deconditioning.
- Provide practical guidance on adapting exercises to meet individual needs and abilities.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the benefits of circuit training for older adults.
- Identify and demonstrate key strength exercises using resistance bands and hand weights.
- Learn how to adapt exercises to ensure inclusivity.
- Recognise safety considerations for strength training in older adults.
CPD Dates:
Birmingham – Saturday 5th April 2025
Birmingham – Saturday 20th September 2025
Milton Keynes – Saturday 11th October 2025
The training day is 10am-4pm.
Please ensure you wear appropriate clothing and footwear to participate – trainers are recommended.
Please note by booking onto the CPD, you agree to these terms and conditions.
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