Retirement is just the beginning!

One in five adults who retired in the last five years have admitted to finding it difficult, according to a UK-wide survey carried out by YouGov.*
The data also revealed that 33% of workers planning to retire in the next five years are concerned about feeling bored and missing their social connections from work, 24% are worried about losing their purpose and 17% are worried about being lonely in retirement.
Retirement should, in an ideal world, be a time to enjoy doing all the things you couldn’t do when you were at work, to go on holidays, relax and find new hobbies. However, it’s often associated with a decline in physical and mental health with reduced levels of activity and less opportunity to socialise.
So imagine a part-time job, ideal for retirees, that keeps you fit, active, socialising and earning money. Imagine that this also means you are giving something back, helping older people to stay mobile and enjoy healthier, happier lives and that has the potential to reduce the burden on the health care system. Welcome to the world of Move it or Lose it!
Over half of our Move it or Lose it Instructors are in their 50s and 60s and say their job now offers them a way to keep busy, stay connected and enjoy an active retirement.
Recently BBC Radio West Midlands interviewed one of our instructors who decided she needed to do something completely different once she retired. Sian trained to teach FABS exercise classes (which combine flexibility, aerobic, balance and strength) to older people and is now running nine classes a week and taking her 94-year-old dad along with her. See them in action at this weekly class for people with COPD (breathing problems).
Our mature movers also act as great role models to motivate people who are often overlooked by the fitness industry or feel they are too old to exercise. Along with a good sense of humour, empathy and patience, they make excellent exercise instructors and can literally transform the way people age.
If you want to join our network of amazing instructors just get in touch to see how you – and the people you reach out to – can enjoy healthier, happier, more active lives. CLICK HERE
*UK wide survey for Centre for Ageing Better and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation UK Branch (CGF).
Les Blackmore
are there any classes near or around Southampton
Move It or Lose It
Hi Les, sorry to hear that. Do sign up to our monthly newsletter for new class updates! This can be done from the homepage!