Sweeping leaves is a great workout!

I suppose it’s been a comparatively quiet month; a bit like the calm before the storm. It feels like the country is gathering itself together for the seasonal onslaught. I have spent quite a lot of time sorting my gift lists, adding on the 3 December birthdays which are always a challenge. Fortunately, my 21 year old granddaughter has taken on the role of on-line shopper. I’ve got mixed feelings about that way of buying goods. I like the idea of going into a shop, looking and touching items and trying on. I do see the advantages of buying electronically, one being that things are always cheaper. Why is that? On the subject of shopping, in spite of my intention not to get caught up in the feeling of urgency, I find myself unable to resist the ‘must get now’ air. Of course, TV advertising doesn’t help, telling me I need to have everything in the world in time for Christmas, from a 3 piece suite to a car! And whatever you do, I hope you didn’t forget black Friday!
I can’t let the month go by without mentioning about the weather. I’ve been lucky in that there has been no flooding where I live but I’ve been thinking about those who’ve been affected. If you have, I hope you’re safe and well and are being helped and supported.
At the end of October, I had the trees in my garden lopped and trimmed. The tree surgeon who did the work was a giant of a man and I was astonished to see him climbing my huge willow tree. My mothering instincts kicked in and I nearly ran into the garden to tell him to be careful but I thought better of it and stopped watching. All was well and although the garden doesn’t look very pretty at the moment, I’m already looking to the spring when I know all will be well.
I’m not really a rugby fan but I just had to watch the final on the 2nd November. It’s just there’s that patriotic something that is connected to sport. The atmosphere in the stadium must have been electric and while on that subject, I watched the ATP Tennis final on the 16th. I do love tennis and I can remember the atmosphere in the 02 Arena when my son treated me to the same occasion (can it really be 2 years ago!!) Of course, the TV coverage is wonderful for viewers, especially when accompanied by a cuppa and an egg custard!
I’m not sure it really qualifies as such but on the cultural front, my film club showed Random Harvest this month. This was a 1942 war film with Greer Garson and Ronald Coleman. Does it ring a bell for you too? The plot was a bit thin but I did so enjoy seeing some of the golden oldies, in black and white too. I was also fortunate to see a wonderful production of Evita, performed in the Concordia Theatre in Hinckley, just inside Leicestershire by an amateur group. This was a disused hosiery factory which was bought with a loan, gutted and refurbished by volunteers and now seats 400. It was astonishing to see non-professionals performing which is by any standards a really challenging musical play – more like opera really. Costumes make up and music – an amazing experience in good company. It was worth the journey on a cold, wet evening.
On the subject of exercise, Julie has been showing on Twitter how even 10 minutes home exercises can boost our feeling of well-being, if sometimes a visit to a class isn’t always convenient, especially when shopping lists grow longer and more complicated at this time of the year and there are other calls on our time. And there are the usual exercises like ironing. I’m actually getting a good workout sweeping leaves. I shall be almost sorry when that chore comes to an end within a couple of weeks.
For Awareness this I’ve chosen 29th December which is Winter Walks Festival organized by The Ramblers Association. If any time is good for walking, then surely that date in December has got to be a winner. I shall be joining in, even if it’s a walk round the block. That will do nicely as I wave a fond farewell to all those special meals which are part of the celebration. I wish you all a happy Christmas.
Joyce Gregory
Thank you Ann for your interesting natters over the year. A very happy Christmas to you!
Gloria Broom
Thanks Ann, another enjoyable read. Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to more natters in 2020.