How to thrive this winter

Each year, as the leaves fall and the nights draw in, some of us can’t but help feel a sense of doom and gloom at the winter months ahead. This winter we have the additional stress of Covid-19 and lockdown to content with. Although we can’t control the seasons or the pandemic, we can take action to bring a little cheer into our lives. Here we share our top tips for surviving the winter months ahead.
Phone a friend
There’s nothing like having a chat with a good friend to lift your spirits. If you can, a video call is even better so you can see your good friend too! If there’s no one around to call, consider calling Silver Line, the charity which offers friendship and advice anytime, 24/7.
Move often
Try to avoid sitting down for longer than an hour at a time. Try setting a timer to remind you to get up and move often throughout the day. Even if you’ve done an exercise routine or been out for a walk, it’s important to break up the rest of the day.
Add a little variety
Research has found that we really need to vary our exercise routines for the best impact and to prevent us getting bored. A daily walk is a wonderful way to exercise, but you need to add in some strength, stretching and balance exercises too. Our Move it or Lose it Club has a wide variety of routines to keep it fresh.
Routine matters
Think how children respond to having a routine because it gives them a sense of security. We can benefit from having a regular routine too as it gives the day a natural rhythm. This might be something simple like doing some housework in the morning, having a coffee break at a certain time, preparing a meal, getting out for a walk and listening to a play on the radio.
Focus on the positive
It’s hard to stay positive when we hear the news, in fact many of our followers say they avoid watching the ten o’clock news so they don’t go to bed thinking negative thoughts. Another way to reset your outlook is to think of three things you’re grateful for every day. They can be really simple – the sun was shining, you sent a letter to a friend, your favourite song was on the radio – it helps to reframe our thinking of all the good things we do have.
The here and now
“How long will this last, what will happen at Christmas…?” So much is unknown at the moment and it can make us feel overwhelmed when we think about an unknown future. It’s a little like when you’re moving house, you can’t imagine you’ll ever get a whole house packed into boxes, but you tackle it one cupboard at a time and eventually it all gets done. Try to live in the moment and take it one day at a time.
The best medicine
In 400 BC Hippocrates said that exercise is man’s best medicine. Not only can it release those feel good hormones to lift your mood, it’s a great way to boost your immune system too. Walk, dance, vacuum with vigour or get gardening, try to find something you enjoy and stay active for a healthy body and mind.
Top tips
Here’s a few top tips from our Facebook followers too:
“Keep warm and dry but get lots of fresh air and go out for shorter walks. And most importantly think ahead of Spring. There would be no joys of Spring without Winter!” (Marianne)
“Healthy diet incorporating fresh veg and fruit, walk outside if you can, exercise indoors if you can’t, talk to someone every day and be kind to yourself.” (Linda L)
“Treat yourself. I light my log burner, have a nice glass of red and curl up with a good book with my cat on my lap.” (Linda R)
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