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FABS – Flexibility, Aerobic, Balance, Strength

Welcome to the FABS Training Programme! 

The FABS training programme will teach you how to lead safe, fun and effective exercise sessions for older adults. A combination of six online units will give you an understanding of the theory behind the exercise session including why it’s important to exercise, how to exercise and what to do in a class. The theory is backed by scientific principles and literature to ensure the information you receive is of the highest standard. You will also attend two practical training days where you will be taught by expert trainers how to deliver a class. You’ll also have a practical assessment and when successful, receive a certificate acknowledging your achievement.

FABS stands for Flexibility, Aerobic, Balance and Strength, which is what every session should include. Take the FABS training programme today and you could be teaching the 11.4m over 65s in the UK and keeping them fit and healthy for life!

We’re here to help! 

If you need our assistance please get in touch with us using the email addresses below.

For course related help –

Please note, the phone line is reserved for sales enquires and therefore unable to help with technical or course related issues. 


Policies and procedures 

Should you wish to, you can view our policies and procedures here. 

Upgraded Booking Terms

You are about to remove the upgraded booking terms from your purchase.

This will refund the cost of changing your training day if you are unable to attend for one of the listed reasons. Are you sure you want to remove it?.